The Lions Club in Hereford was formed in 1960. since then, that's 64 years the Club has been providing community service within Herefordshire.

Members of the club meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, 7.30pm, at Hereford Welsh Club (Hinton Road, just off the A49 heading for Ross on Wye, by Belmont Roundabout).

Hereford Lions is part of Lions Clubs International - The largest voluntary service organisation globally.

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We were delighted once again to be supporting the Herefordshire Young Farmers.

Their annual Pantomime Competition, was held on 20th to 22nd February

You can find out more about Lions on Facebook

Are you a quizzer?

Our popular quiz nights continue at the Bay Horse on Kings Acre Road.
Every 3rd Thursday, £6 including food, with all proceeds going to local charities

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Do you need a little extra support?

We have a number of limited disability aids that we can loan out to families to support family members.
Please call Lion Terry on 07887 711948

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Would you like to find out more about us, and maybe help us with one of our events - Please contact Lion Sian

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This is a unique initiative that can help you and members of your family during an emergency.

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