Hereford LIons Club are masters at fund raising. They have to be to raise the money to support all the charities, local and overseas plus the community projects they help fund. You will see from the long list of fund raising events Lions organise each year they provide the public with a whole range of popular entertainment.
Hereford’s most popular and friendly car boot sale held each Saturday from Easter to mid -autumn on a field opposite Bookers on the Aylestone Hill end of Roman Road. Just £5 a boot. Free entrance and parking for buyers.
The annual film horse racing event in Hereford Shire Hall is hugely popular with local racegoers enjoying a bet on the winners. It’s a great night out with the Tote, a bar, hot supper and a disco when the final race is over.
Lions Pub Quiz is held on the third Thursday of each Month at The Bay Horse inn on Kings Acre Road with cash prize for the winning team. £6 a head including supper.
Lions annual charity 2021 golf tournament is on Friday, July 31st at The Herefordshire Golf Club, Wormsley.
Up to 50 teams of four compete for some great prizes. It is one of the best golf events in the county and includes a meal in the club house and free drinks and ham rolls at the 11th green. Ring John Oldman on 01432 760685 to book your team in.
Lions traditional pre-Christmas Santa’s Grotto at Oakchurch country store on the Brecon Road is popular with thousands of families and the children love to tell Santa what they would like for Christmas. A visit to the long cabin grotto is free, but Lions welcome donations.
Father Christmas, with the help of Lions, has been touring the streets of Hereford and local villages in his sleigh for half a century in the weeks before Christmas Day. Its become a big part of the festive season as the children turn out to chat to Santa and give him their present list. No charge, but most folk drop some money in the collection bucket.
The Lions New Year’s Eve party in the Shire Hall is the best party in town. Everything is provided in the £69 ticket price: a five course dinner, all your drinks and wine, chocolates, party hats and novelties and a disco to see in the New Year.
Don’t forget you can follow Hereford Lions Club for up to date information on their events on Facebook.
Lions believe in giving the people of Hereford a good time in return for their support of the Lions charity fund.